As Mapletree Investments Pte Ltd (“Mapletree” or “the Group”) grows from strength to strength and continues its business expansion globally, the Group places importance on maintaining good corporate governance practices to ensure investor confidence and business integrity.

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Corporate Governance Report


2023 / 2024


Board Composition & Disclosure

The Group is committed to conducting its businesses in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, in an ethical manner. Its listed platforms adhere to the Code of Corporate Governance (Code) issued by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

Although Mapletree is not listed on a stock exchange and therefore not subject to mandatory disclosures, it voluntarily subscribes to some of the core principles set out in the Code, such as having more than the required ratios of Independent Directors, separation of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) roles, and maintaining a sound system of internal controls.

Across the Group, Mapletree is committed to communicating with its REIT unitholders in a timely and responsible manner. In this regard, the trust structure, gearing/debt maturity levels and management fees are transparent and disclosed from regularly.

Business Conduct

Securities Trading by Employees

For all Mapletree Group employees, we have promulgated an internal policy on prudent trading of securities of the Mapletree group of companies. Employees are apprised of insider trading laws regularly and reminders are issued prior to start of trading “blackout periods”. The policy also requires employees to give pre-trading notifications before any dealings in Mapletree-related securities.

Code of Conduct and Whistleblowing

The Mapletree Group embraces an internal code on General Conduct & Discipline that sets out the framework and guidelines for staff on ethical values such as honesty and responsibility, as well as appropriate conduct for our employees.

Our Whistleblowing Policy further provides an avenue for employees (both permanent and short-term) and external parties to raise concerns about illegal, unethical or otherwise inappropriate behaviour observed in the course of our businesses. These include questionable accounting, fraud or employee misconduct. The policy contains strong assurance that whistleblowers will be protected from reprisals or victimisation if reports are made in good faith or are not malicious and it further provides guidance in its enforcement by listing examples of reportable behaviour. The three direct reporting channels that have been set apart and handled with confidential safeguards are: Group General Counsel, Head of Internal Audit and Chairman of Audit Committee.

For queries or to make a report, please write to

Contract Signatories

A contract on behalf of Mapletree Investments Pte Ltd or any Mapletree group company may only be signed by (a)(i) a company director, or (a)(ii) in the case of PRC company, by its Legal Representative, or (a)(iii) in the case of a Japanese company, by its Representative Director, or (a)(iv) in the case of a Vietnamese company, by its General Director, or (a)(v) in the case of a Korea company, by its Representative Director, or (b)(i) such authorised signatory as approved by a resolution of the respective Board of Directors or (b)(ii) its signatory policy.

If in doubt, please contact

Mapletree UK Management Limited manages UK assets held via special purpose companies/entities or private funds. For a description of our organisation structure and businesses, please refer to the latest Annual Report.

Our UK office is located at: WestWorks – 4th Floor, 195 Wood Lane, London W12 7FQ .

To ensure that our values and ethics are upheld throughout our supply chains, as and when material supply contracts are entered into or renewed, we review whether our suppliers have adequate safeguards against modern slavery or human trafficking.

In addition, to reinforce a culture of good business ethics, we have a Whistleblowing Policy to encourage the reporting, in good faith, of any suspected improper conduct, including possible infringements of applicable labour, modern slavery and human trafficking laws, while protecting genuine whistle-blowers from reprisals.

Please see our Whistleblowing Policy page and for queries or to make a report, please write to

When entering new supply contracts, we carry out an onboarding process on our suppliers and contractually require such suppliers to comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Suppliers are required to certify via a Vendor Declaration Form that they comply with applicable legislative and regulatory requirements which will include those relating to modern slavery.

We have taken a risk-based approach to identify products and services within our supply chain that could post a risk for modern slavery and human trafficking and this is supported by our policies and processes mentioned above.